Although slightly overlooked, there were parallelization improvements in 12.0.1 for the Shared-Memory Parallel (SMP) version of ANSYS.  Specifically, parts of /PREP7 and /POST1 were parallelized! If you refer to the Commands Reference, you’ll notice that for PSCONTROL, two new options — prep and post — were added in 12.0.1.

The default is to use as many cores as you specify with the “-np #” argument (2 used by default in 12.0.1; use of more cores requires “Mechanical HPC” licenses), so PSCONTROL is rarely needed. For SMP (not Distributed ANSYS), the result file can get slightly bigger with parallelization since we don’t know a priori how many records each element has (since each element type saves different kinds of data), and some extra space is used to account for this difference. If the result file becomes excessively large with many processors, one may wish to use Distributed ANSYS instead, or one can turn off parallelization during result calculations with PSCONTROL,RESU,OFF.

A side effect of parallelization at 12.0.1 is that, for custom versions of ANSYS, the user now needs OpenMP libraries (vcomp.lib and vcompd.lib), which explains why the Microsoft compiler requirements changed in 12.0.1.