Ubuntu 9.04 and ANSYS
Installed ANSYS 11.0SP1 and 12.0.1 on fresh install of Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop (32-bit and 64-bit). Except for needing to install the libmotif3 package (available in the repository), there weren’t any additional steps needed, and I was able to run/solve ANSYS fine (both x11 and 3D (OpenGL/Mesa)).
(Supported/tested Linux distributions are listed in the ANSYS Installation and Licensing Guide, and required packages are also listed there. Note that Ubuntu is not a supported distribution.)
Good afternoon,
I’m sorry because I disturb with my problem, but using Ubuntu 9.04 and I installed Ansys 11. I installed so libmotif3 package.
Everithing working fine, with exception of ansys workbench.
Apear on my desktop the next error: “Segmentation fault”.
This error can be apear because I dont install “both x11 and 3D (OpenGL/Mesa))”.
Thank you in advance for your support, and answare.
Best regards
Yes, I don’t think ANSYS Workbench 11.0 works on Ubuntu 9.04.
See this posting.
I haven’t had time to find out if it’s a package dependency causing the problem or something else.