PADT, Inc. has released an APDL text editor called PeDAL. A screenshot is below (click on the image below to enlarge):

PeDAL screenshot

Text editors used for ANSYS input files have syntax highlighting, so that is not what sets PeDAL apart. Instead, PeDAL’s integration with the ANSYS Help System is great because you can easily hit the [F1] key to get detailed help information on the side window. Moreover, as you type, the command syntax appears, akin to the Input Prompt in the ANSYS GUI. These features alone make PeDAL a great editor for APDL macros and input files.

Check out the PeDAL website for more screenshots and additional information on its capabilities (there are a lot of small but useful features in PeDAL — too many to list here). It is not free, but you can try it out before deciding on whether to purchase it.