Specifying a Spring/Damper with Frequency-Dependent Values
Users may wish to include a 1D spring/damper with frequency-dependent stiffness or damping values. One could use COMBI214 with frequency-dependent values. Although the frequency-dependent values refer to the spin velocity (tables with OMEGS independent variable), one could use a trick where only the COMBI214 elements are in an element component which has rotational velocity (CMOMEGA) applied. In this way, the spring’s frequency-dependent stiffness and damping get activated.
Below is a simple Mechanical APDL input with a single DOF system. Usually, a single DOF model would only show 1 frequency. However, with the frequency-dependent stiffness and damping, 3 peaks are shown.
FREQ1 = 10 FREQ2 = 20 FREQ3 = 30 MASS1 = 10 OMEG1 = 2*acos(-1)*FREQ1 OMEG2 = 2*acos(-1)*FREQ2 OMEG3 = 2*acos(-1)*FREQ3 STIF1 = MASS1*OMEG1**2 STIF2 = MASS1*OMEG2**2 STIF3 = MASS1*OMEG3**2 DAMP1 = 10 DAMP2 = 1 DAMP3 = 1 *dim,TBL_STIF,table,3,,,OMEGS TBL_STIF(1,0)=OMEG1,OMEG2,OMEG3 TBL_STIF(1,1)=STIF1,STIF2,STIF3 *dim,TBL_DAMP,table,3,,,OMEGS TBL_DAMP(1,0)=OMEG1,OMEG2,OMEG3 TBL_DAMP(1,1)=DAMP1,DAMP2,DAMP3 /prep7 et,1,21,,,4 et,2,214,,0,0 r,1,MASS1 r,2,%TBL_STIF%,%TBL_STIF% rmodif,2,5,%TBL_DAMP%,%TBL_DAMP% n,1 n,2 ! *** mass21 type,1 real,1 mat,1 e,2 ! *** combi214 type,2 real,2 mat ,2 e,1,2 esel,s,elem,,2 cm,SPRING,elem d,1,ux d,all,uy f,2,fx,1 allsel,all finish /solu antype,harmic hropt,full *do,AR99,2,40,2 harfrq,0,AR99 nsubst,1 kbc,1 coriolis,on,,,on ! *** need omega to match 2*pi*freq cmomega,SPRING,2*acos(-1)*AR99 solve *enddo finish /post26 numvar,200 nsol,2,2,u,x plvar,2
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